The Battle of The Sexes
Dr. Judith Price, a psychiatrist, is counseling a group of married couples who are trying
to resolve their various idiosyncratic problems and is mostly succeeding except for the
one jerk in the group who is intent on belittling and insulting everyone in the group,
including his wife. Dr. Price knows there is something that is driving his antagonism,
but needs all of her experience and intuition to uncover his secret.
Four married and one engaged couple are counseled on their relationship problems by
group therapist Dr. Judith Price. Elena Keene, sensitive and private, is questioning why
her husband, Reggie, is making more physical intimate demands while becoming
increasingly more remote from her at the same time. Marcie Connors is fearful that her
older husband, George, is emotionally distancing himself from her because of his health
issues. Felicia and Bill Gerard can’t seem to reconcile career time and home time
between them, while Bonnie Wood is tired of her husband, Dustin, being inconsiderate
and insensitive to her needs, especially, to have children. Finally, Tiffany Walder is
anxious to know why her fiancee’ Jacob Henderson keeps putting off their wedding and
is unwilling to make the final legal commitment to her.
Dr. Price coaxes, manipulates and pleads with her group to confront the realities of their
relationships to be able to resolve their hidden conflicts. She largely succeeds with all of
the couples except for Dustin who seems intent on pushing Bonnie away with his
asinine behavior while at the same time alienating all the other couples. It’s only after
using her extensive experience and intuitive insights that she’s able to unlock the secret
he’s holding so tight to his chest.
FELICIA: Bill rolled over in bed last night and kissed
me softly on my cheek and I felt like we were one,
together again.
DUSTIN: On the cheek? Really? Get him some Viagra and
you’ll experience a whole new level of security.
DUSTIN: But you missed the biggest incompatibility of
them all.
ELENA: Really, enlighten me.
DUSTIN: Woman marry men thinking they can change them,
but they can’t. Men marry woman hoping they won’t
change and they do.
DUSTIN: Come with me to the Cheetah club and watch the
hordes of pious married men, you know the ones who go
to church every Sunday, pumping twenty dollar bills in
the hot babes panties and you’ll get closer to your
sanctimonious truth.
DR. PRICE: Take a slice out of them and misery and
loneliness will ooze out.
DR. PRICE: My batting average in this messy, murky soup
we call counseling wouldn’t get me batting ninth on a
bottom dwelling class A team. It’s mostly singles,
fielders choices and once in awhile sliding into third
just ahead of the throw.
DUSTIN: Actually, betting on the ponies is more my gig.
Had a dream the other night. Woke up with the number
five on my mind. So on the fifth day of the month I
went to the race track and put five big ones on number
five in the fifth race.
Dr. Price is frowning with her hands on her hips.
DUSTIN: He came in fifth.