The Wild Honeysuckle

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Cruise, a hip womanizer schools Eddie, a young preppy friend, on the art of picking up and seducing women at an upscale bar, but painfully learns that scoring isn’t the same as winning.

Cruise, a serial womanizer learns that his best friend roommate is vacating their apartment to get married. Taking stock of his relationships he realizes
that, now in his mid thirties, that all his friends and past girl friends have
moving on emotionally getting married and having families. Remembering
Jana, a woman he had met years earlier who had stirred up deep feelings in
him, but was too young for a serious relationship, he sets out to find her
now four years later.

Cruise locates her, but she already has a boyfriend and is aware of his “love
and leave em” legacy and wary of him. As he goes about wooing her,
amidst an offer to handle a sizable investment in an upcoming IPO by a
shady businessman, he grapples with two life changing decisions;
accepting commission money through insider trading for his investment
firm and making an emotional commitment to a woman for the first time in
his life.

When Jana suddenly disappears, he learns she has been kidnapped and
drugged to strip tease, pole dance for a private VIP penthouse club.
Rescuing her and uncovering the perpetrator behind it is a challenge that
results in him being attacked and beaten by a biker gang. Hiring a nerdy
detective to help him sleuth out Jana’s whereabouts takes him to the top
floor of a five star hotel and a biker club hangout.


TREVOR: There he is, big lover boy. He’d fuck a fence post
and send it flowers in the morning.

JOANNE: It’s been so long you probably don’t even remember me.

CRUISE: Dig your fingernails into my back and talk dirty
and maybe it’ll all come back.

EDDIE: All humans are flawed one way or another.

CRUISE: Yeah, but he’s more human than most.

A yellow butterfly hovers nearby.

JANA: In China they represents the passion in lovers hearts.

CRUISE: You have no idea how expensive it was for me to get that yellow butterfly from China here.

CRUISE: That’s why I picked you. I want someone who knows all the ins and outs of the area.

ZOOM: You can mention my name anywhere in the Village.
(beat) No one’s ever heard of me.

CRUISE: Well, we used to cut a pretty wide swath in the old days if I’m remembering correctly.

CAMIE: Swath? Is that what you’re calling it these days? I thought of it more as spatial geography like a top and a bottom. And we both know who was on top.

EDDIE: “Behold the ego, set in glowing emptiness on the edge of time. Like an echo resounding through the mountains with no place to go”, Kaufmann.

CRUISE: Women will forget and forgive what you said and did, but never how you made them feel, Cruise.