Connecticut Yankee in a Chicano Barrio

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A down on his luck bachelor teacher gets a job at a small Catholic school in a tough Chicano barrio and learns the hard way that there’s more for him and his students to learn than what comes out of a book.

JED comes to town humbled. He desperately needs a job after his bad behavior has found him being bounced around from one job to another. Although FATHER LARA is leery of Jed’s dalliances, he offers him a job under one condition. He must also coach the football team, as well as be a Big Brother to MARY CLAIRE, a young orphan Father Lara also takes in. Mary Claire is an opinionated young girl that says she doesn’t need anybody. She temporarily moves in with LINDA, another school employee.

Jed’s first day teaching English goes fine but his first football practice is a little more rocky. He is informed by LENCHAL, one of the football players, that he’s in charge of the football team. Always ready to take the easiest route, Jed goes along with the idea. However, he sees such heart in PEWEE, his youngest and smallest player, that he dedicate his time to mold the football team into the best they can be. He kicks Lenchal off the team and is surprised to see the rest of the football team finally accept him.

Due to Father Lara’s practices, he’s on the verge of being excommunicated for marrying gay couples, allowing non-Catholics to take part in Communion and being a social activist. Father Lara has a strong social conscience for the poor, but little stomach for wooing the rich and powerful, including his own bishop. Linda introduces REGGIE, the coach for the city’s state championship football team. He offers Jed an opportunity to have his team scrimmage with his, but Jed refuses knowing his team could not compete.

Jed continues to spend time with Mary Claire. They read Peter Pan together. He’s oblivious to the obvious bond they share but Linda is not. Jed flirts with Linda, but she is more interested in developing a relationship with Mary Claire and rebuts his advances.

Lenchal challenges Jed to meet him at a bar to settle old scores mano a mano, but instead gang bangs him with his three friends. RICO, a neighborhood badass, steps in to even the odds and Lenchal loses. Jed is grateful and despite Rico’s rap sheet, invites him to join the football team since he has now rejoined the Catholic school after two years in prison.

After Antonio is ambushed and beaten by the public high school football players the Chicano football players want revenge and persuade Jed to accept a football game that Coach Reggie had previously suggested.

Now with a strong team bonded together by a united purpose, Jed faces their opponents. He finally feels the same passion as his players and wants to win. However, Yale calls and offers him his job back. He’s faced with a decision. Does he return to the life he knows or does he stay and fight with the community he’s come to know and like? Are the relationships he’s formed in the barrio enough to fight for?


FATHER LARA: Haven’t you ever heard “Lead me not into temptation”?

Sure, but I can find the way myself. Look, I’m just asking you for a job that I know I can deliver on.

FATHER LARA: You’re asking for a leap of faith without showing much to deserve it.

JED: I always thought churches were in the faith business.

BISHOP O’LEARY: The Vatican has made some inquiries about your liturgical and pastoral adventures.

The Vatican is thinking about our Church? This quiet, humble little  parish in a poor small Hispanic barrio?

Poor? Yes. Little? Yeah. Quiet? No, and it isn’t that humble, either.

MARY CLAIRE: A dream has got to be with you all the time. Something that burns inside of you. You know what I mean?

How about having a beautiful woman looking at me as if I’m the only man in the world.

Sister Benedict always told me that beauty is only skin deep.

JED: It’s okay, I’m shallow.

Peewee tries to get up and GROANS.

BIG ESP: Stay down. You’re hurt.

Ambulance personnel appear and put Peewee on a stretcher.

AMBULANCE MAN: Are you allergic to anything?