Brett, a 1971 college student finds himself searching for the elusive Ernie, the Air Corp fighter pilot who mysteriously disappeared in World War II for a modern American history project. But Ernie may be easier to find then that other person lost amidst the campus turmoil of Vietnam protests, himself.
The olive C-43 Skytrooper accelerates down the runway, its engines ROARING. Her nose lifts and she soon disappears into the low fog hanging over the Oahu air base. Inside Ernie Lopez with a fellow fighter pilot wonder if they can reach Christmas Island over 1,100 miles to the south on this moonless dark night of June 16, 1942 with Japanese fighter planes crawling all over the place.
Brett Freeman, a college student, after months of research has uncovered this long past event. It’s part of his Modern History semester project to choose an historical subject and dig out enough facts to be able to ask that subject a question and answer it. But it’s become more then that now, it’s become personal. For one, he’d like to stick it to his smug, pompous history professor who belittles his chosen subject. For another, he’s become intrigued about what actually happened to the mysterious 2nd Lieutenant fighter pilot. And then there’s all the crazy things happening around him, the campus in turmoil over the Vietnam war, his eccentric genius roommate being beaten up, and, of course, the beautiful Angelica, who helps him in his quest. Not to mention the evil Marcus who has found stolen future exams and wants his help to complete the scheme to sell them.
Navigator Bill Aumon is making calculations on a map with a ruler and pencil. He is perspiring. Captain Dooley BARKS at him. “What you got? Aumon takes his Army cap off, scratches his head, and then puts it back on again. “I’ve gone over it a dozen times. We should be there”.
It’s a long twisting tale, finding the ultimate fate of this Ernie guy, but there’s something about him that makes it more crucial then just getting a good grade. Maybe it’s because he just might learn something more significant then just what happened to Ernie, like hows he going to do to get his own confused life back on track.
The engines are MISFIRING and the plane begins to shake. Dooley hits the microphone button. “We may not make it. Prepare to bail out.” CHARLES WHISPERING-Lieutenant, I’m so scared I can barely talk. ERNIE-You kidding? This is the best thing that ever happened to us. They’ll have to give us two weeks leave when they pick us up. It’s regulation.”
Brett, with the help of Nathan and Angelica slowly peals back who Ernie the man is, his dreams, his character and maybe even his ultimate fate.
WINFRED: One last thing. Despite everything, that door will still be open for you. Who you are now won’t make me renege on my promise. But don’t come back until you grow up.
BRETT: Grow up?
WINFRED: Mature. It’s what makes you complete.
BRETT: Yeah, if you’re cheese or wine.
BRETT: Yeah, you’re right, I have underestimated you.
MARCUS: Cream rises to the top, baby.
BRETT: So does scum.
JESSE: I like to drink alone.
BRETT: What’s your favorite drink?
JESSE: The fifth one.
JASON: In a few years the industrial military complex is going to have us all in concentration camps in Nevada, you know like with the Japanese in World War II.
BRETT: Don’t knock Nevada. It has the least incidence of strokes, venereal disease and Tupperware parties.
BRETT: Your history assignment made me ask Ernie that question and learn a truth in asking it.
JIM: What truth?
BRETT: That our lives can be more then just our own selfish, mundane day to day nothings. We can all leave something behind for those who follow.
JIM: HA! Shakespeare said it best. “Life’s nothing but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It’s a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying NOTHING.”